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Object replication: The drawings

Grid structure is a primary basis of a city and a principle of density and duplication.
The walls on the grid have holes at their corners so as to extend the boundary infinitely without a blind spot.
Alternatively, this is a materialized relief for dreamers.

The singularity of the grid is unequally declared in architecture and art by distribution of the drawings:
Architecture has less copyright protection than artworks because the relation between a building and a drawing could be ambiguous.
Thus, the drawings provide someone with 'the situation' where he or she can replicate continuous walls that indefinitely spread out.

都市の 最も原初的な成り立ちであり、過密の原理でもあるグリッド。


どこかの誰かが複製可能な ”状況” が用意され壁の連続体として無限に拡がる。

© 2017 Riku Ikegaya